Helping you navigate complex divorce matters.
Divorce Dangers
Our Massachusetts Divorce Lawyers Protect You
The simplest divorce can get ugly rather quickly. When spouses skip the divorce planning stage, mistakes are made, tricks are played, and they may not be able to think clearly or make the best decisions. Some become so angry or upset that they fail to protect themselves or their children. The best way to protect yourself is to hire an experienced family law attorney.
Due to the anger and disagreements that often occur during a divorce, it can be challenging to make the right decisions to achieve a successful divorce outcome. For that reason, the family law attorneys at Miller Law Group, P.C. are here to guide you. One of our biggest assets is our legal team, which includes veteran attorneys, paralegals and staff with decades of combined experience. If you or your spouse is considering divorce, we can help you avoid the common pitfalls that occur during a divorce process.
The Top Four Divorce Pitfalls to Avoid
Having handled hundreds of divorces, we recognize the red flags—those early danger signs of divorce that must be acted on. Bank accounts are drained, credit cards are canceled, assets are hidden, and restraining orders are filed based on false allegations of abuse.
We also know some of the biggest mistakes people should try to avoid. These include the following:
Most people going through a divorce have little to no experience with the family court system, so the process can leave them overwhelmed. We strongly recommend retaining an attorney for your divorce. Our attorneys have handled hundreds of divorce cases.
- Use of Social Media During Divorce
If a divorce is in your future, you should think twice before posting anything on Facebook, Twitter, or any other social networking site. Divorce and family law attorneys regularly use electronic discovery to recover information from home computers, including email records, text messages, posts on social networking sites, and other electronic documents.
Revealing images and posts on social media can be damaging. Some damaging content may include disparaging comments, pictures of alcohol consumption or drug use, pictures of a girlfriend or boyfriend, or pictures of your children in a setting that suggests inappropriate supervision. Cell phones may also have stalker apps and GPS records that your spouse's attorney can use to find out exactly where you were on a certain day or at a certain time.
In an attempt to get custody or otherwise malign a spouse’s reputation, partners may allege that abuse occurred. The situations these allegations arise out of are often exaggerated, misconstrued, or fabricated. If you are under investigation for domestic violence or child abuse, contact one of our attorneys as soon as possible.
Avoid using tricks in your divorce to help you secure the best outcome. We find it is always best to take the high road and be honest. After all, if the judge finds out about any dishonesty on your part, it can reflect poorly on your character and actually harm your case.
Call (888) 874-2142 to Get Started
At Miller Law Group, P.C., our team of Massachusetts family law attorneys can help you navigate through divorce, social media and electronic discovery, common tricks and more. Contact us for guidance in any issue that may arise in your divorce. Former clients claim our team of attorneys are “the best lawyers money can buy.” Whether through negotiation or litigation, we size up cases quickly and creatively negotiate and craft intricate settlement agreements.

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